Once you've completed 12 months of the Renegade Advisor program, you are welcome to apply for the Inner Sanctum. This program is not for everyone, but for many, it will be a useful way to continue the momentum created thus far.
1. A day at Camp DC. You and me, face to face or on Zoom, focusing on your business for an entire day. This is your time to discuss and strategize whatever you want.
2. Monthly Master Class. A detailed training course provided every month. This will include new seminar and webinar materials, lead magnet reports, templates, and training videos. , We'll also be sharing strategies and ideas in financial planning, designed to make your business holistic and profitable, while expanding the service level you provide clients.
3. Monthly Member Group Calls. The power of a Master Mind Group! With the Inner Sanctum, you'll access a monthly group Zoom call designed to share ideas and assistance with other top advisors. Each month two advisors are placed on the proverbial Hot Seat.
4. The Inner Sanctum Summit. As much as I loathe meetings, I host one every year for Inner Sanctum members. Each meeting features a dynamic speaker who will offer you training rarely offered within our industry.
5. Complimentary subscription to the Profitable Advisor Letter & the Renegade Nurture System.
$597 / month with a 12-month commitment. After a year, you stay on a month-to-month membership. Leave whenever you want after the first year.
1. You agree to make every effort to attend each monthly call (held on the third Tuesday of every month at 1 pm EST.
2. You agree to participate fully in all group calls, offering suggestions to assist others.
3. This program is designed for graduates of the Renegade Advisor program, but new members who are fast implementers will be considered.
50% Complete
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